R&K Insider: I’m on a boat edition

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Hello, dear readers! This week, we published an article on the Scottish fishing industry by the grandson of a Scottish fisherman. Regular R&K contributor Matthew Bremner went through maritime safety training, terrible weather, and at least one serious bout of nausea to explain why the fishermen voted overwhelmingly in favor of Brexit while the rest of the nation did not.
While I have no pressing desire to search for prawns on a wintery sea that’s trying to murder me, I was slightly jealous of his seafaring adventure as we in NYC swelter through the doldrums of summer. I’m dreaming of a scenic tour through the canals of Denmark I took this summer, and the tiny tin boat in which I floated around a lake near Lijiang in China. Oh, to be back on a felucca drifting past Cairo! Or to be paddling through the waters of the Chesapeake, where I grew up.
But, despite my misleading subject line, I’m stuck in the city for now, and aside from the occasional jaunt on the East River commuter ferry, confined to land. So I decided to live precariously through some of my favorite maritime stories here at R&K.
First up is correspondent Mitch Moxley’s journey on a slow boat across the Pacific, a hilarious, meditative reflection on travel, boredom, and ocean hangovers. Or perhaps you’d prefer to drift down the Congo on a cargo barge. That sounds pretty idyllic, but let’s say it’s more of a mixed bag, given the nature of the vessel. For a real role of the dice, how about a journey in search of a famous scientist on Indonesia’s worst boat? Personally, I’d like to the last boat to remote St. Helena, although I believed I’ve—wait for it—missed the boat on that one. Maybe relax with this little ditty about tea time on a boat in Tanzania. This summer, I, too, was able to party with middle-aged Swedes on a cruise, and it is a delight. So many mayonnaise- based salads!
And since we started with fishermen, we’ll end with those making on a living on their ships: all hail the (sort of) return of the Aral Sea! And don’t miss this account of a prawn war.
And a few non-boat stories I’ve been reading: Has Bloomberg changed their strategy to produce exclusively mayonnaise-focused content? Because if so, I applaud that bold editorial decision. If I had more money than a small nation every story R&K ran would be about condiments as well. How Buzzfeed won online food. Meal kits are a manufactured demand foisted on consumers who would do better not to throw their money away? Who knew?!?!?! This is an excellent article on soup and the ravages of time.
How to organize a military coup. Unrelated(?): a terrifying look at why the most terrifying nuclear threat may come from inside the White House. And speaking of terrifying things coming from the White House, this is a fucking disgrace. Here’s a good profile demonstrating (partially, among a million reasons) why. The battle for Poland’s hearts and minds.
But to leave on a better note: this video about navigating one’s traditions and ambitions definitely didn’t make me feel anything. Nope, nothing at all.
That’s it for this week! I’ll be back next week for more of the best of politics, travel, and food from around the web. Tweet me stories you want to see here @caraparks.