Hamlet in Kashmir A controversial new film reimagines Indian-held Kashmir as the backdrop for Shakespeare’s troubled prince. Read More
Turkey’s Dying Greek Press In Istanbul, a once-mighty newspaper that serves the country’s dwindling Greek community is in danger of collapse
The Nationalists’ Lost Mojo Europe’s white nationalists, led by a man from Montana, meet in Hungary to plot over pints. It does not go well.
The Surreal States In eastern Ukraine, home to the world’s newest breakaway republics, nothing is as it seems.
Eating Fish, Making Babies On Colombia’s Caribbean coast, the teenage pregnancy rate is spiraling out of control. But instead of blaming the lack of sex ed or access to contraception, some say it’s all the fishes’ fault.
A taste of Nablus Nablus remains a forbidden zone to most Israelis. But its tahini and other foods remain a highly sought-after commodity.
When Uncle Sam Rolled Out the Magic Carpet for Hajj In advance of this year’s hajj, a look back to 1952 and the unusual airlift that brought pilgrims to Saudi Arabia in U.S. military transport planes.
The Islands that Talk of Leaving Scotland You’ve heard Scotland decided to stay with the UK. But have you heard of the Scots who want to join Scandinavia?