The Forgotten Trains of India Photographer Ritayan Mukherjee documents his journey on the Gwalior Sheopur Kalan Passenger train, which runs on the longest remaining narrow gauge route in the world. Read More
A Week in Hotel Neiden A photographer spends time with the temporary residents of a hotel-turned-refugee center in a remote village of northern Norway.
In Italy, an Orange to the Face During the Historical Carnival of Ivrea, revelers pelt each other with something much harder, and oranger, than tomatoes.
Winter Swimmers In the heart of Beijing, a photographer finds tranquility among a group of elderly swimmers.
Before the Flood In rural Myanmar, a photographer documents the lives threatened by a massive and opaque development project.
After Silver Comes Salt In Southwest Bolivia, the world’s largest salt flats are a source of beauty, money, and misery.
Unfinished Business in Bangladesh More than two years after the deadly Rana Plaza garment factory collapse, reforms still haven’t reached the most vulnerable workers.
At Least the War Is Over South Sudan, the world’s youngest nation, has finally emerged from a two-year civil war. Can either side win the peace?