Now That Is A Real Tamil Breakfast Vada in Passikudah Sathish yawned and stretched in his chair, an ashen snake of tobacco smoke unfurling from his lips. “Everybody here has fired a weapon,” he said, taking another sharp drag. He gestured to the road. “Those children, the ones playing cricket, they have all fired guns.… Read More
The Slightly Peculiar but Familiar Habits of Nearby Islands The food is all Chinese-ish, a gradient or two away from what would fall under the spectrum of Chinese food.
Exporting Clothes, Importing Safety In an unprecedented campaign, thousands of Bangladesh’s garment factories are struggling to become safe places to work
Chechnya’s Students of the Koran Photos of one of Chechnya’s growing Islamic schools , where young boys study to become hafiz-memorizing the Koran.
NSFW: A Thai Monk Brings Hell to Chiang Mai Hell is real, it turns out, and it’s located in a garden just north of Chiang Mai, Thailand. Meet Clean Teacher Monk and his handcrafted nightmare.
To Mix or Not to Mix, That Is the Question Bubur Ayam in Java It’s not even seven in the morning and Bronso has already set up his humble wooden cart under a…