The Porn We Deserve: Q&A with Katia Repina “We have the porn that we deserve,” wrote the feminist activist María Llopis. Photographer Katia Repina tends to agree.
Inside China’s Cancer Villages: Q&A with Souvid Datta The Indian photographer explores the human cost of pollution in the world’s fastest-growing economy.
The Perils of Photojournalism The largest photojournalism festival in the world, Visa Pour l’Image provides a sense of continuity and stability in difficult times.
Syria’s Children: Q&A with Cengiz Yar Cengiz Yar photographs the refugee children that have taken shelter in Syria’s bordering countries.
The Humblest Uniform in Congo: Q&A with Simone Bazos All kinds of troops walk around the city of Goma. The military, the police, UN peacekeepers and soldiers. And then there are the Scouts.
Shadows in Greece: Q&A with Enri Canaj The memories of starting a new life in Greece, coupled his adoptive country’s seemingly never-ending economic and social crises, form the basis of his project “Shadows in Greece.”
The Ice Man Cometh: Q&A with Wesley Thomas Wong A photographer visits the biggest ice and snow festival in the world to explore contemporary China.
The Mudshow Diaries: Q&A with Valerie Berta After losing her job at a U.S. newspaper, a French photographer joined the circus and documented life on the road while gaining a family.
Crying Meri: Q&A with Vlad Sokhin A photographer traveled throughout Papua New Guinea documenting various forms of violence towards women, and some of the men responsible.