Theater of War: Q&A with Maxim Dondyuk A photographer captured the emotions of Euromaidan with cinematic images that blur the lines of truth and fiction
Last Words: Q&A with Michael Vince Kim A photographer documents the Koreans of Kazakhstan’s dying dialect, and their future generations.
A Tradition Gone Mad: Q&A with Mario Cruz A look at the grim reality of abusive Koranic schools in Senegal.
A Life of Peace in Boise: Q&A with Angie Smith A photographer documents the surprisingly successful refugee population of Idaho’s capital.
No One is Interested in Us: Q&A with Laurent Kronental A photographer visits the elderly residents of the Paris region’s futuristic housing projects.
Looking for Yugoslavia: Q&A with Dragana Jurisic A Croatian photographer retraces the footsteps of a British writer in Yugoslavia to try to reassemble a country that no longer exists.
Secession and Suburbia: Q&A with Conor Ashleigh A photographer documents the coming of age of South Sudanese refugees who settled in his hometown in Australia 10 years ago.
On The Bridge: Q&A with Daniel Traub Three photographers—two Chinese and one American—document the African community in Guangzhou.