Primetime Emmy
& James Beard Award Winner

Roads & Kingdoms’ Favorite Things We Published in 2018

2018 was a challenging year for us at Roads & Kingdoms, but one constant remained: the incredible talent of the writers, photographers and illustrators who chose to publish their work with us. The following are some (not all!) favorites from the year, as chosen by R&K staff. Get ready for paan, pickles, progressive porn and so much more.

Read more of our 2018 selections here.


Not Your Mother’s Pickles by Muna Gurung

Loved this sweet, simple portrait of a mother-daughter relationship. It really captures how the way we see our parents changes over time. Nice kicker, too. – Danielle Renwick

Eating Black Forest in Lahore by Saba Imtiaz

Saba is a fantastic writer, and I can’t get enough of her sharp, witty commentary on South Asian culture. – Shivani Mehta

Why a Belgian Librarian Flew to Canada to Find Sourdough Yeast by Rafael Tonon

I’ll use any excuse to indulge in my favorite food, and learning about its anthropological origins through this article gave me even more reasons to talk about, admire, and eat it. – Emily Marinoff

A History of Mexico in 10 Dishes by Alonso Ruvalcaba

Many of the dishes are unexpected and everything sounds delicious. – Tyler Elmore

Run, Iman, Run by Diana Khachatryan

Reporter Diana Khachatryan masterfully captures the harrowing tale of Iman Muzaeva, a former ISIS wife who finds the strength to flee Iraq with her two children. The images from Yuri Kozyrev tell an equally complex narrative about the scars Muzaeva and her family carry with them. R&K may be obsessed with food and travel, but this story is a reminder that our roots are firmly planted in foreign correspondence. – Matt Goulding

Love, Nostalgia, Secret Sauce by Yumna Mohamed

For our Johannesburg city guide, Yumna Mohamed wrote about Mohideen’s, a no-frills takeaway joint in Marabastad township where her father grew up. The elder Mohamed had his final Joburg meal—a steak sandwich, drenched in the restaurant’s famous gravy—before leaving to study medicine in Mumbai. Fifty years later, the gravy is still as magical. As Mohamed writes, “Friends, you have not lived until you have dipped a buttery sandwich into a teacup full of meaty gravy without shame.” – Alexa van Sickle

Spiti Coffee in Himachal Pradesh by Fabiola Monteiro

It reminds me of the figurative happy place I go to when the present moment is too much: a quiet cafe, a good travel companion, and reflections on a much-needed journey. – Aleesa Mann

Love, Loss, and Small Rebellions at Delhi’s Paan Stalls by Aparita Bandhari

It’s a small, intimate story about a food and a place I (personally) love told with grace and humor and a poignant sense of nostalgia. A lovely read. – Michael Snyder

Living in a Cycle of Fear and Danger by Ali M Latifi

This deep reflection on the hopeless violence in Afghanistan and the death of Ali’s colleagues is heart wrenching and important. – Cengiz Yar

Love, Loss, and Small Rebellions at Delhi’s Paan Stalls by Aparita Bandhari

This essay is an intimate and loving tribute to the author’s late grandfather that taught me about a Dehli culinary tradition. – Tafi Mukunyadzi

The New Pornographers by Mitch Moxley

Writer Mitch Moxley went under the covers (heh) for this incredibly entertaining story about a school for making liberal arthouse porn in the Bay Area. Mitch’s stories for R&K all have a certain swagger that is well-balanced with genuine curiosity. His stories were consistently among Anthony Bourdain’s favorites that we ran in his Dispatched series, and Tony liked this one a great deal as well. Bonus: the appealing, but still safe for work, illustrations from Daisy Dee. – Nathan Thornburgh

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Roads & Kingdoms’ Favorite Books of 2018

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