The Art of Making Ham Making Parma ham the right way requires an assembly line of skilled craftsmen. Photographer Alessandro Iovino visits Il Gazzolo Di Alberto Galloni e Figli, a producer in Langhirano located 15-minutes from his hometown of Parma.
The Muslim Undertakers of East London As the city’s Muslim population soars, burial services are in growing demand. Meet the motley crew that ushers the dead to the afterlife.
On the Frontline of Ukrainian Democracy Journalist Annabelle Chapman, serving as election observer, watches as the country continues its westward course after months of turmoil.
A Russian Mining Town in Norway: Q&A with Paul S. Amundsen The town of Barentsburg located high in the Arctic feels every bit like a Soviet town stuck in time. Except it’s in Norway.
The Nationalists’ Lost Mojo Europe’s white nationalists, led by a man from Montana, meet in Hungary to plot over pints. It does not go well.
The Surreal States In eastern Ukraine, home to the world’s newest breakaway republics, nothing is as it seems.