The Muslim Undertakers of East London As the city’s Muslim population soars, burial services are in growing demand. Meet the motley crew that ushers the dead to the afterlife. Read More
The Hyenas of Harar A trip to an Ethiopian city for a feeding ritual that shows that we can all get along, at least when there’s enough food to go around.
When Uncle Sam Rolled Out the Magic Carpet for Hajj In advance of this year’s hajj, a look back to 1952 and the unusual airlift that brought pilgrims to Saudi Arabia in U.S. military transport planes.
Tourism After the Taliban Bamiyan, a small Afghan mountain town best known for its blown-up Buddhas, wants to be your next holiday destination.
The Day Imam Tahir Died A prominent cleric in Western China is stabbed to death after morning prayers, but his city does not mourn him.
The Rock ‘n’ Roll Tycoon of Penang One man is doing his best to keep rock alive—and inclusive—in Malaysia’s outlier island-state
The Dark Joys of Bengalcore In Dhaka, a wave of new groups are setting the crowded madness of their city to music with tech-death, thrashcore and other forms of extreme metal