R&K Insider: Scariest halloween edition This week on Roads & Kingdoms, a dispatch on the chaos on the Brazil-Venezuela border and rising nationalism, a Pittsburgh rabbi on the aftermath of the Tree of Life Synagogue shooting, and colleagues pay tribute to Anthony Bourdain.
Welcome (back) to The Trip The Trip in a world without Anthony Bourdain is, if anything, even more urgent and important to us at Roads & Kingdoms.
R&K Insider: Catering in Gaza, Pakistan’s German national cake, and Chef Jose Andrés in Asturias This week on R&K Insider, what it’s like to run a catering business in Gaza, Pakistan’s very German national cake, and Chef Jose Andrés takes Bourdain to his home turf, Asturias.
R&K Insider: Welcome to the City of Gold If you’re a historian, a revolutionary, or a cultural enthusiast on the African continent, you know why you’ve already heard of Johannesburg. If you haven’t, you’ll want to read our latest city guide.
India’s Supreme Court decriminalizes homosexuality. What comes next? India’s Supreme Court just ruled that homosexuality is no longer illegal. This is good news, but the battle isn’t over.
R&K Insider: Let’s talk about Brazil This week on Roads & Kingdoms, we’re diving into the upcoming elections in Brazil: Catherine Osborn writes about black women running for office in the wake of a city councilwoman’s murder, and Carol Pires talks about the rise of far-right candidate Jair Bolsonaro.
No Paan, No Gain This week on Roads & Kingdoms, a writer pays homage to her late grandfather—and an ancient culinary tradition in Delhi’s markets. Plus, a conversation with a Nicaraguan cartoonist who says even his most outlandish cartoons are beginning to look like the reality.
R&K Insider: The white nationalist party that wasn’t This week on Roads & Kingdoms, Americans show up to protest racism, writer David Woods meets Egyptian rally racers in the desert, and photographer Kristen Dobbin has her eyes on Costa Rica.