Halwa Puri Halwa puri—the greatest of all breakfast meals in this city—is theoretically reserved for Sundays.
Thirst for Adventure We were several days into the Mongol Rally, a foolhardy road adventure from London to Ulaanbaatar.
Sea Urchin, Steamed Rice, and the Meaning of the Morning Meal Whenever I eat something really special, no matter what time of day, I have this little thing that I do: I nuzzle my…
Lunch With Singapore’s Old Left Once a year, a group of geriatric leftists gathers to talk politics over roast chicken and bowls of (imitation) shark fin soup.
Detained in Suburbia On the outskirts of Sydney, Villawood Detention Centre is home to one of Australia’s darker immigration policies.
The Nest Gatherers On the tiny islands of Pabellon in the Philippines, the art of harvesting birds’ nests has endured for hundreds of years.