Wonton Soup for the Soul The way you say Boston Tea Party in Chinese translates to Boston Dump Tea Time. As I sat down to a breakfast of wonton soup, I remembered that I had learned this the evening before during a boisterous dinner. My mind was still watery from a night of… Read More
Singapore’s Everyman Breakfast Three is a magic number, they say. The Fates. The Lord of the Rings. The number of toes on a sloth. Add to…
Tea in Old Delhi Chaikhana. Tea house. The place where tea is served. I sip the milk cooked with black tea and sugar at Muhammad Nissar’s Tea…
Thirst for Destruction Erguotou was useless with cocktails—you couldn’t any more mask its vomit-y bouquet than you could geld a bull with a spoon.
The Ice Beer Cometh The first time I was served a beer in Saigon, it came in a bottle with a mug of ice next to it
Coffee and History: Q&A with Stuart Freedman Stuart Freedman photographs India’s coffee houses, where lawyers, journalists, city officials and artists once congregated to debate the state of the country.