Still Life in Portugal: Q&A with Marcelo Londoño The Colombian photographer witnesses the disappearance of the Portuguese village of Torre.
Deep Sea Living: Q&A with James Morgan A photographer documents what may be the last generation of the Bajau sea nomads.
Sunbathing in the Suburbs: Q&A with Alexander Gronsky A landscape photographer explores the outskirts of Moscow in a new book called “Pastoral.”
Pride: Q&A with Andrew Esiebo A Nigerian photographer investigates the meaning of hair by visiting barber shops across West Africa.
Simple Ways: Q&A with Lottie Hedley A photographer explores sustainable farming through different communities.
Comfort Zone: Q&A with Tadao Cern Eerie and beautiful portraits of sleeping sunbathers on the Baltic Sea coast
New Year, Same Flint? Q&A with Brett Carlsen and Juan Madrid The photographers behind “Welcome to Flint” talk about poverty, empowerment, and the perils of “masturbatory photojournalism”.
Voice of Haiti: Q&A with Paolo Woods Photographer Paolo Woods documents life at the radio stations of Haiti.